Also called “Liichtmëssdag”, the day of the blessing of candles, Candlemas is celebrated on February 2 in Luxembourg.

Coming from the Latin word “festa candelorum”, Candlemas means “feast of candles” which refers to Light, Prosperity and Purification. It is celebrated on February 2 because, according to Jewish tradition, it is the day of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple and the Purification of the Virgin. Like many religious holidays, it was originally a holiday celebrated by pagans. They burned candles to protect their homes and fields from evil spirits.

Why do you eat pancakes on February 2?

In the 5th century, Pope Gelasius I offered pancakes to pilgrims arriving in Rome that day. And since that day, it is sacred to prepare pancakes for February 2.

The consumption of pancakes would also be a tribute to the arrival of good weather, spring and the cycle of the seasons. Thus, to guarantee a good harvest the following year, the peasants had to prepare pancakes. This holiday is therefore accompanied by customs and superstitions.

In order to bring good luck, it is traditional to pop the first pancake while holding a coin in the left hand. If the pancake does not fall to the ground, happiness and wealth are guaranteed until the next year.

The Luxembourg traditions of the “Liichtmëssdag”

As every year on this date, at nightfall, the children will frolic from house to house to wish health and happiness. However, the Minister of Health explained that children will be able to go "liichten" by respecting certain conditions in order to avoid any risk of contamination. Equipped with lanterns made and personalized by their little hands, the children will sing the famous song "Léiwer Herrgottsblieschen".

Once, the "Liichtmëssdag" was meant to celebrate the light and to beg for bacon and peas. Today, children are rewarded with treats and sometimes even money.

For all the little liichters, find your lantern to personalize at Partyshop!

Because fun and celebration are at the heart of our business, we offer a selection of lanterns in a range of different colors to be personalized as well as various lantern holders on our website.

Have fun, party but don't forget the barrier gestures.