We've been waiting for it for a long time, this year the carnival will take place in Luxembourg!

The term Carnival is of Latin origin "carnelevare" which means "to remove the meat" in Italian. This festival has been going on for generations and is particularly popular with Luxembourgers and their neighbours. As part of the beautiful traditions of Luxembourg, the carnival period is described as the craziest and is held from February to March.

This year, it will begin on February 2, the day of Candlemas also called Liichtmëssdag, and will end on Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of Lent before the Easter celebrations.

On the program, parades of colorful disguises, masked balls and little sweet treats.

The season of festivities is launched by the various masked balls organized in the different villages/towns. The most important are those of Vianden, Wormeldange and Echternach. This year, the program will be turned upside down, but that's no reason not to have fun. The children's carnival will take place from February 12 to 20 at Karnevalwoche in Munshausen.

But this period is especially marked by parades of disguised processions also called "Cavalcades". Gathering people of all ages, the streets of Luxembourg are transformed into a large festive space with entertainment, food and drink. We find the delicious sweet donuts in the shape of typical Luxembourg knots called "Fuesendkichelcher" or "Verwurelter".

The first cavalcade was born in Diekirch in 1870. This year, this event will take place on May 8, 2022. The other best known Cavalcades in Luxembourg are those of Pétange, which will take place on March 27, but alas, those of Esch-sur Alzette, Remich and Schifflange are canceled due to the epidemic.

The end of Carnival is traditionally marked by Shrove Tuesday. The following day, Ash Wednesday, in Rémich, in the east of the country, the festivities are concluded with a tradition which consists of burning a straw man, the “Streimannchen”. The remains of the cremation are then dumped in the Moselle. In leap years, a female figure is burned.

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Have fun, party but don't forget the barrier gestures.